The joint work “Long Noncoding RNA TYKRIL Plays a Role in Pulmonary Hypertension via the p53 mediated Regulation of PDGFRβ” of Christoph Zehendner and Chanil Valasarajan should is the research award winner 2021 of the René Baumgart Foundation.
The René Baumgart Foundation fights against pulmonary hypertension. It promotes clinical research on pulmonary hypertension (PH) in children and adults.
The disease still cannot be cured and, when viewed objectively, the quality of life is considerably limited despite the “good” course of therapy. We must not rest against the background of successful symptom-oriented therapy offers. Much research is needed until all children with PAH can grow up.
Since 2004, the René Baumgart Foundation has been awarding an annual research award for scientific work that deals clinically or experimentally with the subject of pulmonary hypertension. The award will be given to a scientific work that has not yet been published at the time of submission within the last 12 months or that deals clinically or experimentally with pulmonary hypertension. Important evaluation criteria are originality, innovation and clinical relevance of the work. The work must have been carried out mainly in the German-speaking area, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
The prize is endowed with 5000 €.
More information on the René Baumgart Foundation…