Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration. Main focus of our Institute is the research and development of potential therapeutics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The Institute elucidates the basic mechanisms underlying cardiovascular disease and vessel growth with the aim to develop new cellular and pharmacological therapies for improving the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Ongoing research focuses on epigenetic mechanisms that control cardiovascular repair, specifically the function of histone modifying enzymes and non-coding RNAs. Our lab is an international and interdisciplinary team consisting of independent group leaders as well as Postdocs with a medical and basic science background, PhDs and MD students and research associates.
NEWS: Research
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NEWS: Awards & Grants
Konstantinos Stellos received ERC start up grant
Professor Stellos received 1.5 Mio funding of the European Research Council to study the regulation and function of RNA…..
lncRNA HypERlnc Regulates Pericyte Function
Pericytes are mural cells that contribute to vessel maturation and control endothelial barrier function.
Professor Dimmeler received Willy Pitzer Award 2017
The Willy Pitzer Award (25.000 €) was given to Professor Dimmeler for her outstanding achievements in cardiovascular research.